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When using linux, you can't get around it: Sometimes you need your terminal. In Ubuntu, the standard Terminal uses bash. On this page I'll give a few basic commands, which you can easily find when googling "basic bash commands" or reading the intro of a book on linux, but just as a recap, I'll give a few here. For more information, click on Bash Commands Man Files below in the links menu, which will bring you to a site with all the bash commands and their manual page

When you start a terminal, you'll begin in your home directory /home/< yourusername >. The home directory is represented by a tilde "~". You'll see who you are on which pc, and where you are, in that order when you start your terminal. < name > @ < pc-name > : < location > $


If you want to change to an other directory, just type cd and the directory you want to go to (or the subdirectory in a directory, deviding the directories by "/". You can go back up in your structure, by typing cd .. and pressing enter. If you want to go straight to your home directory from any other directory, just type in cd

chasnam@chasnam-desktop:~$ cd Desktop
chasnam@chasnam-desktop:~/Desktop$ cd ..
chasnam@chasnam-desktop:~$ cd Desktop/Downloads
chasnam@chasnam-desktop:~Desktop/Downloads$ cd

The ls command shows you what's in your directory, you can add several flags to this command, each with a specific function, for more information see the manual

chasnam@chasnam-desktop:~$ ls
Desktop Examples notes.txt

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